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Cloud mask in the Sentinel-2 data

This is a short demo of the cloud mask in the sentinel-2 dataset.

For a more sophisticated method of dealing with clouds, see the Sentinel-2 Cloud Masking with s2cloudless example.

import ee
import folium
import as psee

The full dataset and documentation is available here:

When using a dataset, always make sure to refer to the documentation for resolution, band names and definitions, etc.

For the purpose of this example, we’ll select a specific image taken on a specific flyover to keep the computation time short:

img = ee.Image("COPERNICUS/S2/20180430T103019_20180430T103520_T32UMU")
rgb =["B2", "B3", "B4"]).divide(10_000)

Bits 10 and 11 are opaque and cirrus clouds, respectively:

clouds ='QA60').bitwiseAnd(0xc00)
opaque = clouds.bitwiseAnd(0x400)
cirrus = clouds.bitwiseAnd(0x800)

Try to detect cloud shadows by projecting the clouds on the surface (adapted from the 3_Sentinel2_CloudAndShadowMask notebook in AGREE):

shad_o = psee.cast_shadows(img, opaque)
shad_c = psee.cast_shadows(img, cirrus)

These derived images can now be added in javascript using Map.addLayer() or in python using e.g. geemap.Map.addLayer().

For the purpose of this notebook, we’ll add it to a folium.Map using

folium.Map.addLayer = psee.add_map_layer
mask = (lambda mask: mask.updateMask(mask.neq(0)))
vis = (lambda color: {'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'palette': color})
Map = folium.Map(, zoom_start=9)
Map.addLayer(rgb, {'min': 0, 'max': 0.3}, "RGB")
Map.addLayer(mask(opaque), vis('yellow'), name="Opaque Clouds")
Map.addLayer(mask(cirrus), vis('red'), name="Cirrus Clouds")
Map.addLayer(mask(shad_o), vis('teal'), name="Opaque Shadows")
Map.addLayer(mask(shad_c), vis('pink'), name="Cirrus Shadows")
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